The Stresses of Cybersecurity Breaches (and other statistics of 2023)

The SSL Store has released their updated cybersecurity statistics for the new year and highlight some interesting numbers, not only regarding the recent troubles hitting large organizations such as T-Mobile and Rackspace, but also the personal toll that cybersecurity issues take on its workforce.

Some of their key statistics were:

  1. Reported Potential Losses Exceeded $6.9 Billion for Americans in 2021
  2. The Cost of a Data Breach for U.S. Organizations Tops $9.4 Million
  3. 33% of Companies Aren’t Taking Cyberwarfare Threats as Seriously as They Should
  4. Organizations Globally Are Racking Up GDPR Non-Compliance Fines, Which Top €2.7 Billion
  5. 47% of Consumers Stop Doing Business With Companies That Lose Their Trust
  6. 50%+ Would Reconsider Their Employment If Their Company Has Been Breached

In addition to the business statistics, The SSL Store also found that there were significant human costs related to cybersecurity breaches.

  1. Stress Is One of the Top Five Reasons Cyber Security Professionals Quit
  2. 67% of Cybersecurity Incident Responders Say Anxiety and Stress Crop Up During Incidents
  3. 84% of Cyber Security Pros Are Overwhelmed By Increasing Security Alerts